New Year's Greetings from the Teachers

Yaza at Rohatsu   Photo by Marlee Hosho Ross

                    Dear sangha friends,

Once again this year on New Year’s Eve the zendo was full to capacity with people who chose to begin the New Year by sitting in community, renewing their aspiration to cultivate peace in their hearts, families, communities and world.  We can take heart that so many people all over the world are refusing to bow to fear and discouragement in the face of the greed, hatred and ignorance that continue to cause so much suffering. So many people in small and large-scale ways are choosing to speak and act to make a difference, to nurture the beautiful diversity of life on this planet.

Our practice of the Buddha Way is certainly not the only way that supports living a life of non-harming and of benefit to others. But at the turning of the year, as the lengthening days stir an ancient sense of wonder in us, it’s a good time to reflect on what we value most, and how our practice gives us the capacity and resilience to be true to our values. How amazing that the simple practice of paying scrupulous attention to our moment to moment experience opens us to the truth of our boundless interconnection with all beings. A simple practice, but it’s not easy! We all need the support of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Please know that your sincere practice gives us the courage to continue. We look forward to another year of practicing together in community.

In gratitude with deep bows,

Myoshin Kate and Shinmon Michae